Roots & Shoots South Africa

We are new members of the Roots and Shoots program of the Jane Goodall Institute in South Africa. Forres Preparatory School has started its own Roots and Shoots Club. This is being run by the children, in keeping with the excitement which Forres children already experience in learning to be good stewards of this earth. Forres Prep, overlooking Rondebosch Common, fosters a keen sense of the role we all play in supporting our Diversity and our Natural World.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday: Club Day

Well today the club met for the first time: we have 6 members and we kicked off with watching "Jane's Journey" and then all had a look at the new Blog Spot. This next week we are going to think about 3 different projects which we can get involved in: a people project, an animal project and a plant project.

Judging by the reactions this afternoon - all footage of baby chimpanzees got the biggest "aaahhhhs". But we know that there are so many projects which we can get involved in. So guys let's put our heads together. Post ideas under the comment section here about project ideas. To brainstorm, we can perhaps answer this question:

            "If I could wish for one thing for our planet it would be...."


  1. That there would be enough clean, fresh water.

  2. That all the poachers in the world would get arrested

  3. On behalf of Morgan (who doesn't have a account):

    "I would stop global warming altogether!!!"

  4. That there more beautiful, colourful flowers and natural scenes instead...


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